The meaning of Black History month


The meaning of Black History month


Black History Month


An article about African Americans through history that helped shape the country.


Austin James Harrison


The Quad


Special Collections, Francis Harvey Green Library, West Chester University.


February 8, 2000


Christopher Malampy


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February is designated Black History month. This is the time when we reflect on accomplishments made by African Americans. This is the time wheh we pay homage to those who paved the way. Our ancestors built this country through blood and sweat, and it is our duty to honor their memory. We as students here on this campus and across the country must make it our duty to live up to the legacy of our people. This month is more than a few celebrations for Martin Luther King Jr. It is more than hearing about how Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier. It is more than hearing spme black history fact on UPN 57! This month is about so much more. It's about celebrating a heritage. It's about finding out who we truly are as a people and where we come from. This month should be about the celebrations of Africans all across the world. Let's honor those who came before us. Let's respect one another. Let's show love for one another. Let's take pride in everything that we do, no matter what it is. The knowledge of self is something that we should all be striving for. The people that we will hear and read about went through the struggle. It is now our time to recommit to that struggle and recommit to becoming the type of positive individuals that those that are looking on us now know we can be. As future leaders, we can create our own Black history. We must set goals and attain those goals through hard work and dedication. Our source of inspiration must come from the memory; the memory of our ancestors on the cotton fields, our beautiful black women getting raped, the struggle for not only civil rights but human rights—all of our articulate leaders who were cut down in their prime because of how dangerous they were. That is where our motivation will come from not only this month but also everyday of every month of every ypar. We are under the impression that we have made it — that we have succeeded and no more work needs to be done. Well for all that have made it, there are plenty that have not. And until every African American has made it, then none of us have made it. This is our time to reflect and ponder on how we can made our black nation stronger. The great Malcolm X asked, "how can we love our enemy until we learn to love ourselves?" Let's unite and make our community the model for which all will follow. Many strong people perished so that we may have the opportunity for a better way of living. Take advantage of the opportunity that has been given to us. Take pride in knowing that we are descendants from the first people on earth. The change must come now. Focus your intentions on the positive. Allow yourself to be the embodiment of Black History month. This spirit is in all of us and we must reach it. The knowledge is there and we must seek it. This is our month, and through example we will make our foremothers and forefathers proud. Celebrate your race, culture and heritage.




Austin James Harrison 2000, The meaning of Black History month, Special Collections, Francis Harvey Green Library, West Chester University.