IGA opposes discrimination


IGA opposes discrimination


IGA, Black Student Union


IGA passes a law to financially punish student orgs that discriminate based on student appearance. One member of the BSU is present for this meeting.




Quad Angles Vol. 39 No. 19


West Chester University Quad


March 9 1971


Angela Grabosky


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Student Newspaper


IGA opposes discrimination Blackouts proved to be no great impediment for members of the IGA General Assembly during the March meeting when they convened one-half hour late in Lawrence Center, in spite of the minor catastrophe. The meeting began with a reading of a recommendation made by the Executive Council concerning membership in the Student Affairs Council. According to the recommendation, the Council should be comprised of six students and six faculty members. Three of the faculty should be members of the Faculty Senate and three members of the Student Affairs division. The studentsstudents would include two IGA General Assembly members, one President of IGA, one president student, one commuter and one member of the Black Student Union.Discrimination To Be Penalized Five motions were passed at this assembly, the first being a motion to cut off funds for any team which discriminated against members, due to personal appearance. This motion was passed with relatively little discussion. Three girls' teams, the basketball, gymnastics, and swimming teams, are eligible this year to play in the Eastern Regionals and National Championship competitions. Appropriations for funds needed for transportation, food and lodgings were granted by IGA at this meeting. This motion was passed only after a motion to amend the original motion was defeated. Dave Flamer, who introduced the second motion, felt that appropriations for the National Competition should be granted only after the teams had placed first in the Eastern Regionals. Optional Activities Fee From now on, according to IGA legislature, faculty members will be paying an optional activities fee each semester, the cost of which will be one-half the students' fee. If a faculty member decides not to pay the fee, he would be required to pay full price at all IGA activities. Though passed by the General Assembly, this motion must go through the usual channels, e.g. Faculty Senate, before it can become effective. General Assembly members also voted to grant an administrative increment of $500 per annum to Mr. Kenneth Burda, Director of the College Union. IGA wishes to acknowledge the fine work that Mr. Burda has been doing for IGA, the Black Student Union, and QUAD ANGLES, whom he serves as advisor. Bookstore student workers who previously received a 10 percent discount on all items purchased there can do so no longer, as the result of the fifth motion passed by the General Assembly. PE Department To.Pay? After these motions had been passed, Eric Hawkins introduced a motion which would require the Physical Education Department, rather than IGA, to pay maintenance for the number of team sports which each Physical Education major is required to participate in. This motion was tabled and will be discussed further at some future meeting. Bob McLaughlin, President of the Assembly, announced the possibility of two future events at the college. IGA has made a bid to hold a future Pennsylvania State Association of Student Governments (PSASG) Convention here. West Chester State will also be holding a State College Day in the near future in which State officials and legislators will come to West Chester to discuss tuition costs. Good Will Gesture The evening's discussion was pleasantly interrupted when Alpha Zeta Delta girls, now members of West Chester's newest national sorority, arrived to distribute refreshments as a token of good will. In future weeks, IGA will be discussing budgets and financial plans for the upcoming year. Budget materials and statistics have already been distributed and new budgets will be drawn up soon.

Original Format





Unknown 1971, IGA opposes discrimination, West Chester University Quad